If you are reading this, I am sorry that you are grading my writing or just happen to have stumbled onto my rants, discussions, obsessions, and/or squealing about movies. I am Mikaela and I attend Western Washington University. I love movies, I hate tomatoes, and I will try my best to entertain you or bore you to sleep; whichever I feel like that day. I am not sure what I feel like today, so you get to choose!
As a heads up, I have tried blogging in the past however did not succeed. I have tried journaling, I have maybe twelve half written-in journals, I fail at that too. But, I am pretty determined to keep this one up this time. Hopefully. No promises. I don't know too much about having a blog but I know that almost everyone has a facebook profile or they do their vines or instagrams, so this online presence of mine will be new to me (Not that I don't have those things as well).
I am in this wonderfully entertaining cinema class this quarter and am extremely excited to share my knowledge with you. I love the cinematic arts and I have already taken a class covering most the basics in film working, lighting and screenplay writing. I am very excited to continue learning about it all! Whatever I learn in class, from watching a movie or maybe something I already knew, either way I will (try) to post it all here.
I am a big fan of many geeky fandoms out there so I may stray off on a tangent or reference a funny thing that no one will get; so bear with me if things get wibbly wobbly or timey wimey. If you do understand me then you are awesome.
So yes, I do ramble sometimes I do get serious but also comedic. Though this is my first post it was really only a test to see how a blog works.
Thank You
Until Next Time,